Oui didn’t do France

The drive was fairly easy, except for the part where a deer, which was running amongst a group of three, ran into the back, left-hand side of the car. We were going slow and everything seemed to be in order afterwards. There’s now a bit of a dint on poor Wombi.
We made it to Luxembourg.
It’s not big, it’s not very impressive, but the traffic lights are in a better position than Germany’s are.
After Ingrid talked with her cousin, who believes in things like deer collisions being bad omens, it was decided that the border situation and what not are probably not going to get better and that we should head back. Perhaps, the idea of being stuck with us for a few months, one toilet for all, was also a deal sealer.
So we didn’t go to France after all.

The hotel was nice, claimed to have a gym, all I saw were some running machines. Disappointed. Not like I would have done much there anyway…